Saturday, February 22, 2014

A Look at My Year

I've had such a wonderful first year of marriage, full of growth and change. It got me thinking though, about how people perceive my life. Especially those that have watched my first year of marriage through social media. 

I thought I would give you an honest look at what my first year of marriage has been. 

Probably one of my favorite pictures from our wedding day! 
I got married last February and got myself a husband. We moved in together and as with most roommates you quickly learn different habits or pet peeves they have. With Steph I learned he likes the dishwasher loaded a specific way and it turns out that i've been putting the toilet paper on the roll backward for my whole life. I've learned that Stephane doesn't like chewing noises so when we eat we listen to music. I can't for the life of me figure out how to chew silently, even when my mouth is closed i'm still noisy...or so they say LOL. 

I've learned that Stephane is so quick to forgive and shows me everyday what it looks like to love unconditionally. He always keeps his love on. He's taught me to be brave and powerful. He has been a safe place for me this year through it all. 

Two months into marriage me and Stephane began the transition to move to Canada. We packed up all our belongings and left the home we had known for the past 3 years, the place we met and fell in love. We left our friends and moved to a city I have never been to, to start a new life. 

The trailer all packed! 
For about a month we were on the road, visiting my family and his, before we landed in Leduc, Alberta. 

Stephane went right to work when we got to Canada and I jumped right in to church ministry. Last summer was hard, I cried a lot, but it was how I needed to process. I missed my family and friends and anything familiar. I was in a brand new place, with all new people and it was my first time working in church ministry. Talk about a lot of change in the first few months of getting married. 

After summer, school began and we started leading/administrating Gateway School of Supernatural. A school we are helping to pioneer and this is it's first year ever! 
This has been a year of first. It's my first time in leadership, also leading my peers. My first time preaching (at school). First time living in Canada. My first year of marriage. I'm sure I could go on... 

Oh Canada!!!!
I would not say this year has been easy, in fact it's been far from easy. Yet, it's also been so rewarding. No one ever said a first year of marriage would be easy, but it sure has been the joy of my life to love Stephane and be with him through everything.   

If I could sum up my first year of marriage in one word it would be TRANSITION. This has 100% been my year of transition. 

Though the year has been hard, i've also made some beautiful memories. I had the joy of meeting 2 new nephews. My sister and sister in-law both had baby boys. It's wonderful being an auntie. 

My nephew Greyson! 

I've gotten to know my sister in-law and she is so special to me (love you Kels). I got to go home for thanksgiving and be with my family, which was so special to me. I got my first tattoo and i'm doing a job I love and helping change peoples lives. Pretty amazing stuff!!! 

Me with my niece Evelyn and nephew Josiah! Aren't they the cutest ever?!!!
I am really excited to start my next year of marriage. I'm excited about the foundation we are laying together and the place we've chosen to call home....for now.  

I think finding beautiful moments in our everyday is what really matters. After all when people ask me my favorite memories, I often think of those quiet simple moments, when the sun was shining and he was smiling and all was well! 

Just running through a field together! 
Keep us in your prayers and in your hearts. 
This is still the beginning of forever!


  1. Awww Emily! You are fabulous and I miss you! I thoroughly enjoyed reading about your first year of married life! I'm almost half way through my first year of marriage and so laughed at the music to hide chewing noises- I do that too! haha.... ah life. Miss you Emily! xoxo Laura Gusztak (Eliason)

  2. This is beautiful Emily, I too had massive transition in my first year of marriage and you captured the emotion of it all so wonderfully. The tears, the beauty, the grace and love. Thank you for sharing your world.
